Meet the Cast

Chrissie Fire Mane
Retreat leader Chrissie is a fireball of energy who brings with her the collected wisdom from her backgrounds in shamanic psychotherapy, the Andean cosmological tradition, empowered motherhood as well raw passion to heal. Owner of the Mana Movement, Chrissie has been healing and empowering her clients for over 20 years. Chrissie leads retreats with fierce love and protection, all while pushing them to their goals.

Atasiea moved to LA to pursue dancing and acting but quickly found his calling when he was introduced to the world of Ecstatic Dance. Since then, Atasiea’s primary soul life purpose is to heal through sound and movement and he co-founded Ecstatic Dance LA. He has been in the wellness world for 12 years, becoming a Reiki Master, Channel and Energy Healer. Naturally charismatic, Atasiea has a dry sense of humor and uses it to help get to the heart of his clients' issues.

Oneika is the consummate New York City girl who is the Mindfulness Coach at a prison in New York. In jail, she works one-on-one with incarcerated folks. With over 10 years in the field, she also facilitates workshops around cultivating resilience and compassion through meditation. She believes mindfulness practices can forge a path to freedom and build resilience. Oneika is passionate about helping her clients in maintaining optimal health and create sustainable social change.

Benjamin is a big gregarious teddy bear with a sunny disposition who found his calling to alternative healing when he himself struggled with past traumas and obesity. His struggles led him to becoming an all-around Wellness Coach who helps clients reach their fullest potential through Breath Work, Yoga Instruction, Life Coaching and Body Work. Though he’s new to the world of retreats, Benjamin is not new to the world of wellness with over 7 years helping heal his clients.

Acqua Xena Heart
A wild free spirit, Acqua is the founder of Sacred Orgasmic Dance and feels she has been doing healing work for multiple lifetimes, not just in this current life. Acqua’s 10 years of experience has centered around shamanic sexual healing and working with Tantric modalities to help people heal from their trauma and step up into their empowered selves. Her mission is to raise the vibration of this planet.

A nanny and model from Marina, CA, 26-year-old, Meco has been through a lot in her life. She had a rough upbringing with an absentee father and recently survived a mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Meco has major trust and abandonment issues and struggles on a daily basis. Despite all this Meco makes an effort to be a people person and treat everyone around her how she would want to be treated. At the root of it all, she doesn’t love herself enough to fully invest in her own healing.

People are drawn to Vairrun and his outgoing personality. However, behind that outgoing surface, years as Chicago firefighter and EMT, the deep trauma and grief 37-year-old Vairrun sees on the job has caused him to shut off emotionally, even at home. While he enjoys the attention he gets from women on his physique, he has been unable to open himself up to connect intimately on a deeper level. He wants to have a full, emotionally connected relationship with the goal of a wife and family some day and is hoping the retreat can help get him on the right path.

Greg, 32, was born and raised in Kennett, MO. It is a small town with a population of 10k. Being gay wasn’t acceptable in his community and after high school, he made the choice to move to New York City to pursue his dream of performing. In NYC, Greg fell into a party lifestyle and masked his emotions with drugs for 4 years. A year ago, Greg made the lifesaving choice to return to his hometown to open a restaurant. The restaurant failed and is now closing, and Greg doesn’t know what to do with his life. The work stress has gotten to him and Greg has found himself getting angry at the drop of a hat. When he is inconvenienced in the slightest, he takes it out on the people around him and completely shuts down. With his life falling apart around him, Greg is heading to the retreat as a last-ditch effort to learn to deal with his emotions.

28-year-old Thea grew up in a small town in Louisiana and has deep-rooted issues with men, stemming from an abusive father who later committed suicide. A professional dancer and dance studio owner, Thea met her husband Brandon at the gym, and it was instant chemistry for both. Though they’ve been married now, it hasn’t been a fairy tale – they’ve been through many breakups to the point where Thea had moved on to a new entanglement with another man, and Brandon recently filed for divorce - but they decided to try and make it work. Coming from a broken home, Thea wants to provide a stable home for her daughter from a previous relationship but knows she has to heal from her childhood traumas if there is any hope for her marriage to survive.

Brandon, a 28-year-old Market Sales Manager, couldn’t make the retreat from the beginning because of work, but Brandon’s wife Thea has been at the retreat from the start in the hopes of saving their marriage. Also the child of a divorce, Brandon is convinced that Thea is the only one for him, despite their issues, and is adamant they not give up on their marriage.

Becca, 35 and a Lutheran pastor in Philadelphia, has been so busy taking care of her parishioners, she hasn’t yet let herself heal from the death of her stillborn son. Now living with a chronic illness that will prevent her from ever having children biologically, Becca has been struggling to accept both the illness and the idea of not having a child naturally. Although she’s a pastor, her faith has been tested and she’s not sure she can hear God anymore. Becca is hoping this retreat will allow her to let go of her grief and open herself up to adoption, and by doing so, maybe bring her closer to God again.

Claudia is an outgoing, quick-witted, bubbly, and fiery ball of emotions living in Miami Beach, FL. At 51, she has been proposed to 9 times, engaged 6 times, and married 4 times, and now runs away from men before they have a chance to leave her. Claudia has had years of traditional therapy to deal with her childhood trauma but needs the retreat so she can learn what her self- worth is, heal, and learn to only settle for quality men.

At 48, Robin is the life of the party in her crowd in Dallas, TX. A real estate investor and designer, Robin had a very troubled and abusive childhood and then became a young mother, having Christine at 22. After a traumatic divorce left her in pieces, Robin went into a party phase, trying to reclaim her youth she never got to enjoy. Robin chose the men in her life and having fun instead over the responsibilities of being a mother. Now that her relationship with Christine is on the verge of complete collapse, Robin wants to save it by working on healing her past traumas. This retreat is her last chance to make things right with her daughter.

Christine, 26, had a picture-perfect childhood and was best friends with her mother Robin until her senior year of high school, when her mother went through a terrible divorce and completely fell apart. Not only did Christine lose all the material things from her previous life but she also was left taking care of her siblings and her mother, too. When Robin started dating again, she chose her boyfriend’s sides over her children. This was the last straw for Christine, and she cut her mother out of her life. Christine and Robin have just started speaking again over the last year but cannot get through a conversation without an argument as decades of traumas on both sides constantly bubble up. Now a Sales Manager and focused on her future, Christine hopes this retreat can bring her back together with her mother.